Epilpesy Support Groups are helping people understand epilepsy better. Support groups are a great way to make connections, participate in the community and raise awareness about epilepsy. Surrounding yourself with others who are going through the same learning process helps build the community stronger in accepting epilepsy. Epilepsy effects 1 in 26 people, but it does not just effect that one individual, it effects their family and friends as well.
What are family support groups?

Having a community of people surrounding you with comfort and understanding during a confusing time can be the most helpful things you can do for someone. Epilepsy varies so much from person to person that other people don't always need to know a lot about epilepsy to offer support. All they need is information that can keep you safe if you are to have a seizure or be prepared in any situation. Living with epilepsy can be isolating, but support groups can be a way to connect with others who understand your experiences. They also are a place to share resources and information.Support groups are available in a number of formats including in person and online. Organizations such as the Epilepsy Foundation are helpful for finding support groups in your area.
How Epilepsy Effects Others
Why it Matters
Depending on the severity of a seizer, their day to day lives can be challenging. It is common for parents, sibling, spouse or friends of someone with epilepsy to experience anxiety, confusion or responsible for someone who is having a seizure. As a child, teenager or parent, growing up with epilepsy is a big adjustment that comes with stress and confusion. An epileptics biggest fear is losing their independence or being treated differently, so it is critical early on in the process to help understand what they are going through to make the transition easier. Finding the right guidance can mean finding understanding, and ways to cope or to feel more in control about living with epilepsy.
Because epilepsy can cause fear and stigma, it can be an isolating illness. Support groups can make a person with epilepsy feel less alone, but they are also valuable resources in other ways.
Epilepsy support groups can help participants by:
Sharing experiences
Sharing information and resuources
Promoting advocady
Giving and receiving emotional and practical support
Provide a space that feels safe
Accessing experts, as guest speakers
Provide a sense of community
Being safe place to ask questions
Offering support when adjusting to a new diagnosis
Supporting for families and loved ones of people with epilepsy